Wednesday, 19 October 2011


So, the other week was the painting project and these were my final outcomes :).
I'll be honest, I think they need more, I'm not sure if I completely like them but I don't think that they're bad for first attempts.
I'm not a fine artist at all so it was quite out of my comfort zone but I did enjoy it. I love painting ! I think I generally love making a mess as that's pretty much what I did for the majority of the week. I ruined several items of clothing because I'm clumsy and manage to get paint EVERYWHERE. Oopps. However, my friend I did find that if we wet the fabric before the paint had dried, used a little soap and a toothbrush (yes, she had a toothbrush, art for you) it seems to come out okayy :).
Anyway, enough about making a mess, I prefer the one at the bottom even though the white bits shouldn't be there but the masking tape ripped it. But, yeah, I just like it better, the paint is layered in a nicer way :).


Matt said...
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Matt said...

who's to say you cant paint? its making marks and the purpose behind them. you put the paint where and when you like and at some point it comes together its just finding the point when that happens.
great paintings, i like the second one too.